Apply These Anchor Text Tricks for More On-Point SEO!


In the world of SEO, one of the important indicators for increasing website ranking is backlinks. However, even that backlink or link should not be installed carelessly. You have to pay attention to the name anchor text .

So, what is anchor text?

In this article you will learn about anchor text. Starting from the format, the types that are commonly used, to tips for optimal practice.

Apply These Anchor Text Tricks for More On-Point SEO

What are AnchorTexts? 

In simple terms, anchor text is writing that is used to place links or links. Compared to normal writing, anchors stand out in blue or underlined. Don’t forget too, this text is clearly clickable.

Example of anchor text

So as not to get confused, let’s try to discuss what examples and how anchor text works.

For example, we will use a quality anchor text backlink to go to the techhubland homepage. If dissected into the form of html code, it looks more or less:

<a href=”“>backlink</a>

Well, “quality backlinks” are called anchors. While is the destination link.

Why is Anchor Text Important?

Anchor text should also be arranged in such a way that it is SEO-friendly. It must be concise and relevant to the linked page. There are two reasons:

First , search engines use this text to measure whether the website you are running is spam. If the text you use for links doesn’t make sense, Google will most likely think your website is spam.

Second , anchor text helps website visitors find out what other topics are discussed. They can explore content that is the same topic more practically.

Indeed, as a website owner, you generally cannot control the anchor text of backlinks that other people point to your page. Fortunately, you can still manage internal links to keep them relevant.

Below, we will start discussing the types of anchor text that you can use.

5+ Tipe Anchor Text

There are at least six types that you must know. Anything?

1. Exact match

This type of text uses an anchor that exactly matches the keyword of the page it is targeting. For example, an article discussing digital marketing, more or less the text of the link also reads “digital marketing”.

2. Partly similar

This anchor is somewhat similar to the first type, but with a few additional variations. For example, digital marketing articles have the anchor text “digital marketing strategy”, “digital marketing tricks”, or something else.

3. Brand

Brands can also take advantage of this anchor. Maybe you often find it in articles that lead to certain businesses. For example, every time there is the word “techhubland” in an article, it will be linked to the techhubland blog.

4. Plain links

This text looks really lazy actually. This is because the anchor text is just a link that is simply copied and pasted. This text will automatically turn into a link.

5. Generic

You must be bored to find this type of anchor. Why? Because it usually takes the form of a very general word or phrase. For example like “click here”, “register now”, and the like.

6. Fig

This is what is sometimes still often missed. Apparently, Google uses the “ alt text ” in the image as the anchor text!

Alt text is the text that is embedded in the image and will be clear if the website page fails to load properly. You can set it every time you upload a photo/illustration to the web.

If you are still in the hobby of forgetting at this point, from now on you have to diligently check the image description before clicking publish.

Read Also:

3 Tips for Making Anchor Text

Now you are ready to practice directly. techhubland will describe it simply based on SEO indicators.

Even though it looks easy, anchoring should follow three points: be concise, relevant, and not generic. For more details, see the following explanation.

1. Brief

Indeed, there is no limit on how long the text you can put a link. However, we highly recommend that you keep it as short as possible. Why is that?

Remember, the function of an anchor is to make it easier for search engines and website visitors to understand your content. So make sure the text is:

  • Short and simple
  • Description is accurate and not misleading
  • Get the reader’s attention to click on it

2. Relevance

Search engines will see the relationship between pages through backlinks. Backlinks that point to articles with appropriate topics, will send a stronger “relevance signal” to search engines. As a result, your website page can enter the first page of Google.

Well, to make a relevant anchor is actually not difficult. You just need to make sure:

  • Topics between pages are interconnected
  • The anchor text matches the content of the target page

If the topic is not connected, obviously the assessment is not good. In fact, it’s not impossible for your website to be considered spam and fake.

3. Don’t be generic

Google has a constantly updated Google Penguin algorithm. This algorithm will check the keywords that are installed in the anchor.

Well, what’s the impact?

If there are multiple websites pointing to your article and using the same anchor text, Google will consider it unnatural. In other words, Google can consider your website as spam.

That’s why you should avoid generic keywords like “click here”. Instead, use keywords that directly refer to the topic of the article. In terms of SEO, search engine index results with this technique will usually be better.

Ready to Change Anchor Text to Become SEO Friendly? 

Now you have a thorough understanding of anchor text. Remember, don’t just finish reading and then forget about it. Even though it seems trivial, this will help you to improve your website’s SEO .

So, like it or not, don’t hesitate to practice right away!


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