15+ Most Effective SEO Techniques to Improve Your Website Ranking


SEO techniques are the solution when you want your website content to be on page #1 of search results. With this technique, you will be flooded with traffic without needing to advertise.

Yes… Even though this is common knowledge, Content Marketing Institute research shows that there are still many Fortune 100 companies that ignore website SEO.

This makes the company fail to get to page #1 for keywords that make money. As a result, they automatically lose potential customers.

Most Effective SEO Techniques to Improve Your Website Ranking

So, this article will discuss SEO techniques that you can practice straight away! So your website doesn’t suffer from bad luck.

We will divide the discussion into three major techniques in SEO: on-page, off-page, and technical. Can’t wait? Come on, take a look!

Techniques of On-page SEO

This SEO technique gives primary attention to the content uploaded on the web page. This point looks at how well the post was optimized by sticking to relevant keywords.

Apart from that, on-page ensures that visitors enjoy their time while visiting the website. So, there are several techniques you can try to improve quality in this aspect, including:

1. Write quality content

This point looks easy, but many website owners have difficulty fulfilling it. Content is the backbone of SEO itself.

Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. So, if your writing is considered not good, the ranking will not be satisfactory. What’s a good standard?

First, don’t copy-paste or plagiarize other content.

Second, don’t give a title that doesn’t relate to the content.

Third, create unique content by doing keyword research first.

Fourth, make sure the content is useful for readers.

2. Post consistently

In the world of blogs and websites, posting consistency plays an important role. If you plan to upload two posts a week, do it consistently.

In fact, new content can increase ranking in search results. Google’s algorithm, for example, will assume that your website is active so it will put it on the index priority list.

But remember, that doesn’t mean you have to post every day. If you can only afford it once a week, that’s no problem. The important thing is that it is on schedule and the content is quality.

3. Use the right URL structure (permalink).

This is the “content address” which will appear in the address bar. Try to compare, which one is more comfortable to see from the following three examples:

First: https://techhubland.com/effective-seo-techniques

Second: https://techhubland.com/pub/post?ID=66&kw=effective-seo-techniques

Third: https://techhubland.com/8hdg7u/i?JDHHG=i3dvb63ns6bgbryjd4nujs=f#loaddelay

Assume that all three of them refer to the same article. Definitely the first option you will choose, right? The URL is short, easy to read, and briefly explains the contents of the article.

Apparently, search engines also work like that. So before posting, make sure you have set the link so that it is easy for humans to read.

4. Format the content of the article according to standards

No need to be confused! This corresponds to the format H1, H2, H3, and so on in the text.

You need to know, a neat structure like that will make it easier for SEO engines to scan the contents of the article.

With this “heading” format, you can also create a table of contents automatically which can make it easier for readers.

5. Optimize title tags and meta descriptions

Simply put, it is the title and short explanation that appears on the search results page.

Remember, you are competing here with thousands of other websites! As much as possible, make this section as clear and concise as possible. Why? Because there is a limit on the characters contained!

The title is usually no more than 60 characters, while the meta description should not exceed 150 characters. More than that is possible, but yes, Google will automatically cut it indiscriminately.

6. Image optimization

Here, here! Many people still think that SEO content only revolves around text. In fact, the visual side also has an influence, you know!

When uploading an image, make sure the name is adjusted to the content of the article. If you’re lazy, the file name might still be IMG_6756—yes… search engines will be confused about indexing it.

Apart from the title, also fill in the alt text—the description attached to the image. It is used to make it easier for search engine algorithms to index and categorize image types.

It’s not difficult to fill it out, really. In the WordPress CMS, you can find it directly by clicking on the image after uploading it.

In HTML format, this alt text is usually written like this: <img src=”image.jpg” alt=” fill in the description”/>

7. Provide internal links

Linking old articles to new posts will create a better web structure. This will also provide more SEO points for the target page.

From the reader’s perspective, you also make it easier for them to find previous content without having to search hard. Win-win solutions, right?

8. Don’t forget about external links

Don’t hesitate to link to other websites if they are relevant to your content. Quality articles from external sources will enrich the writing.

This also helps readers to obtain additional references, as well as increase the reputation of their respective websites.

9. Set the anchor text of the link

This is hyperlinked text. You can read a more complete explanation in the article → Apply this Anchor Text Trick for More On-Point SEO!

Anchor text provides two benefits: the link becomes clearer in the eyes of search engines because there is an additional explanation and readers know the contents of the link they click.

Of course, make the anchor as natural and connected as possible to the text.

10. Keyword research

Long keywords or long-tail keywords have their own advantages. It is more specific, the competition is not too tight, and the search volume is not too large. From there, more traffic will potentially flow.

What kind of example? OK, instead of using “tourist destinations”, you can use “tourist destinations in Purwokerto”—for example.

These keywords appear specific and people who search will find it easier to find your article.

One more thing, embed the selected keywords into strategic sections. Anywhere?

  • Title
  • Opening paragraph
  • URL
  • Meta description
  • Content of the text (body)

But remember, even though these keywords are important, don’t mention them too much (stuffing)—especially in the body.

Just imagine, for example, in a 300-word article you repeat the keyword up to 15 times. The article will definitely be unpleasant to read and the search engine algorithm will consider it spam. God forbid!

Technical Off-page SEO

This SEO technique focuses on inbound links from other websites that lead to your website. Quality and relevant links will act like the number of “votes” received.

This vote will help your website to “rise in class” in the eyes of search engines. Why?

Because he will appear more trustworthy and superior. There are several techniques that can be tried to improve quality in this aspect, including:

1. Take advantage of social media

The role of social media in content distribution is becoming more important day by day. Take advantage of it to share articles on your website and spread the link.

Who knows, someone might find your content interesting. Then, be willing to use it as a reference on your own website.

2. Become a guest writer to get backlinks

This is one effective way to get quality backlinks.

You can sort which websites you want to try using your own considerations. For example relevance, PageRank, domain authority, and so on.

Remember, it is better to get 1 link from 10 websites than 10 links from 1 website!

By becoming a guest writer you can also ensure that the link format is safe. This means that the anchor text has been set and placed according to context.

For businesses, a similar technique is to send press releases to selected websites.

3. Create infographics

Infographics have great potential for resharing! Why? The thing is, he is easy to understand and usually looks attractive. When re-shared, your website has the potential to get backlinks from it.

Technical SEO Techniques

This technique focuses on how the search engine’s own algorithm can crawl and index your website without any obstacles.

There are several techniques that can be tried to improve quality in this aspect, including:

1. Avoid broken links

How do you feel when you click on a link and it opens with a 404 error? Annoyed? Certain.

Not only humans, search engine algorithms also get annoyed when they find dead links.

You can use a “ broken link checker ” to overcome this. The related tools will usually identify links and images that cannot be loaded so you can quickly fix them.

2. Ensure website loading speed

Websites that open slowly give a bad impression.

Data from Kissmetrics shows that 40% of internet users will close the website if it doesn’t open within 3 seconds. In fact, 47% of them expect the website to open in the second second.

It is very likely that netizens will no longer visit pages that are slow. This has a negative impact on bounce rates, low traffic, short visit times, and so on.

What about SEO engines? Well, a long loading time will cause search engines to only crawl a few pages. As a result, the indexing results will not be optimal.

You can fix this by monitoring the web using a speed-checking tool.

3. Make the website mobile-friendly

Don’t think of this as trivial, okay? Because Google really pays more attention to mobile devices.

Google’s algorithm even encourages mobile-friendly pages so that they rank higher.

What’s the solution? You can immediately implement a responsive template. This template will adjust its appearance according to the device used to access it.

Ready to practice SEO?

Those are 16 SEO techniques that you can try directly to increase your website’s ranking in the eyes of search engine algorithms.

No need to rush. Correct it point by point so that nothing is missed.


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