7+ Ways to Increase Instagram Followers 100% Free [2023]


Instagram has become a mandatory part of online branding. It’s so important, it seems impossible for public figures and businesses not to have Instagram accounts.

So, to make the branding even more convincing, one of the “requirements” for an Instagram account is to have a large number of followers.

Yes…. Even though it is not the only measure of success, the number of followers is one of the first things people see.

Ways to Increase Instagram Followers

Apart from that, having a lot of followers also widens the door to opportunities where you can later collaborate and increase your rupiah coffers. Through endorsements, for example.

It’s not surprising that many accounts are competing to increase Instagram followers.

In this article, Bitlabs will discuss two ways to increase Instagram followers. Namely, through organic and non-organic methods. Come on, let’s just discuss it!

8 Ways to Increase Instagram Followers Organically

Organic followers mean followers that are obtained naturally. Not the result of buying or using bots.

Organic followers make engagement on your posts more lively. Apart from that, they are the ones who will usually buy your product or the product you recommend.

Well, organic followers are not easy to get. Moreover, instant. That’s why Bitlabs provides tips and tricks for increasing Instagram followers that you can try straight away.

1. Optimize your Instagram account

It sounds trivial, but in fact, there are many accounts whose appearance is still messy. In fact, the bio section, profile photo, and account description are not interesting.

How can you get a flood of followers if you manage them at such a rudimentary level?

So, think of your Instagram account as a CV or portfolio. Both can be used to apply for jobs or build relationships with clients.

With that mindset, you definitely want everything to look excellent and impressive.

So, what needs to be done when optimizing your Instagram account? Here is the list:

  • Pay attention to all the parts that are immediately visible when the Instagram account is accessed. Starting from the username, profile photo, and bio. Choose a profile photo that is simple but representative and easy to remember. For biodata, be as complete as possible but keep it concise. You can see an example from the Bitlabs Instagram page.
  • Usernames need special attention. Choose a name that is easy to find, easy to remember, and representative—especially for the brand. Don’t include too many symbols and numbers in it.
  • Don’t waste URLs or links that can be embedded in your bio. This has the potential to bring traffic to your website.
  • Update the link in the bio from time to time. For example, when there is event A, change to the full announcement link; when launching product X, navigate to the purchase page; etc. In essence, make the link section functional for followers.
  • Don’t private your Instagram account. This makes it easier for people to stalk before finally pressing the follow button.

2. Consistency

Most people follow Instagram accounts so they don’t miss the latest posts.

What happens if the account owner only uploads one or two posts a month? It’s possible that followers will forget that they ever pressed the follow button. For businesses, this is a disaster.

Apart from maintaining follower loyalty, regularly scheduled posts also have the potential to attract new followers. Why?

From the user’s perspective, they will be happy because there is new content that they can view regularly. And from an algorithm perspective, your account can more easily enter recommendations and Explore because it is considered active.

So, if you decide to post three times a week, keep doing that. Find at any time the most appropriate time according to activity statistics.

3. Look for exposure smartly

Remember, the key word here is “smart”.

So don’t use brutal strategies like spamming the comments column on other accounts. Apart from making other people uncomfortable, it will also worsen the brand image.

If that’s the case, who wants to follow?

So, involve users in creative activities. For example, don’t hesitate to appreciate reviews or fanart content from followers by reposting it on Stories.

Don’t be lazy about reposting, just leave a little comment. You can also make it ticklish, so you don’t appear plain.

This action will give a better impression and have the potential to increase word of mouth. Get free promotions!

What if the account is still small? Don’t worry, just make it a competition!

Contests on Instagram are quite popular and you can get lots of work tags.

Apart from that, you can also collaborate with influencers who suit your brand. So, don’t just look at the number of their followers.

Because maybe the audience is different. As a result, the campaign doesn’t connect and your account doesn’t get any new followers.

What is clear, is don’t look openly at sales. Because, the more people come here, the more allergic they are to advertisements that look “really advertisements”. Still have to be creative, OK?

4. Introduce Instagram accounts everywhere

Use every opportunity and platform to promote your account. Have a website and other social media? Don’t hesitate to link your Instagram there.

That way, your Instagram will be easier to find because it is everywhere. The general audience becomes aware, “Oh, there is this account, right? I’ll check, okay…”

Remember, make your account as easy as possible for potential followers to access. Don’t just write your username. Because it means they have to type it in the search field manually. It’s complicated!

So, if it’s on the web, there’s no harm in displaying a button that can be clicked directly next to the username.

What about social media? Feel free to promote content on other platforms.

But remember, don’t just copy-paste-share links. Provide context in a short description that makes people want to click on it.

The more you come here, the more Instagram content you can share on other social media. Because, it has complete features too: Stories, IGTV, Reels, and Shopping.

5. Post content that followers like

After managing Instagram for some time, you also know what kind of content gets the highest engagement.

So, explore the content further. Because content like that can attract new followers while retaining old followers.

Infographic content about unique facts about your product gets tons of likes and comments. Feel free to upload similar content periodically.

By the way, this section isn’t just about content, you know! It could be that the interesting factor comes from small details. For example: the filter used, the way the captions are delivered, and the time the content is uploaded.

You have to remember, to try various variations at the start. Don’t limit yourself to the trial period. Also, take advantage of analytics tools to monitor and track performance.

6. Communicative

Have you ever come across an account that looks great on the front, but the comments column is annoying?

Whether it’s a flood of complaints and questions but no response. You can also reply but the language seems arrogant. Even those of you who initially wanted to follow might give up.

Based on the Sprout Social Index for 2020, netizens are more interested in visual content on social media that is communicative. The order is photo, video, and text.

Well, Instagram has it all. So it’s a shame if the interaction is bad.

Business accounts were also affected. Now many customers complain more, ask questions, look for information, and even review the products they use via social media.

What if the admin is not communicative? Danger.

Moreover, 89% of customers said they decided to buy goods from a particular brand after following their social media accounts.

So, try your best to respond to questions and comments. This can help to gain new customers, improve relationships with existing audiences, as well as potentially add new followers.

7. Be smart in using hashtags

This hashtag is one way for Instagram users to easily find posts. Apart from that, did you know that it can also be used to increase followers?

To do this, look for hashtags that are not very popular but have potential. Not a hashtag that is too marketable.

Because what’s the point of posting a hashtag that has been used 10+ million times? Like spreading salt in the ocean. Your post will sink so quickly.

To search for potential hashtags, you can enter hashtags that are relevant to a particular event. But make sure the content is connected so it doesn’t seem forced.

8. Technique follow-unfollow 

This follow-unfollow technique is honestly at the crossroads between organic and not. Moreover, not all accounts are suitable for using it. Especially for business accounts.

The way this technique works is by following many accounts. Then wait for them to follow back your account. After a few days, you can unfollow them and repeat the steps again.

The effectiveness can be said to be 50:50. Because, maybe after you unfollow, they will do the same thing.


The eight methods above do take time until your account can finally harvest organic followers. However, don’t make it a burden. Just try the method in stages and evaluate regularly so that the strategy becomes better.

3 Ways to Increase Instagram Followers Automatically

Apart from the organic method, many Instagrammers choose the instant route because they are impatient. This method is actually quite risky. Especially if the account held belongs to a brand.

So what?

The most obvious thing is that it will be very visible from the interaction statistics. Imagine having 10 thousand followers but less than 100 people like posts and less than 10 accounts comment.

Strange, right?

However, if you don’t have a problem with such things, please do it at your own risk.

The following are several applications that you can try to increase Instagram followers in the blink of an eye.

1. Neutrino+


This application is easy to use and safe. Because it has a time limit the Instagram system doesn’t think your account is spamming.

Neutrino+ uses a crystal system instead of points. These points are obtained from the activity of giving likes and following other Neutrino+ user accounts.

Well, what if you don’t want to bother? You can also buy crystals directly there.

The appearance is not complicated. You just click, and the system will process your “order”, and voila: the followers will come!

2. Real Followers Pro 

Real Followers Pro 

Real Followers Pro is quite unique because it uses hashtags as its weapon. It will provide a series of trending hashtags for you to include in your post. In this way, the new followers obtained can be said to be semi-organic.

If you don’t want to spend more, this application is worth trying. As long as you don’t get bored of checking the list of the latest hashtags.

3. Fast Followers Boost!

Fast Followers Boost!

Meanwhile, Fast Followers Boost is similar to Real Followers Pro—it also uses hashtags to streamline the process. If you want to get optimal results, as much as possible the content is relevant to the hashtag.

This application has a classic user interface. So when you use it, it’s as if you are using the old-school version of Instagram.


How come only three? There are actually dozens of other services out there. However, many of them are less than optimal and even questionable to use. Moreover, in terms of features, the applications above are quite helpful.

Ready to increase your Instagram followers? 

Instagram is increasingly becoming the favorite of social media from year to year. It has a ton of features and a very large number of users. It is also able to attract the attention of all groups, both for personal and business use.

The number of followers ultimately becomes an indicator of the success of an Instagram account. Many followers are considered capable of providing benefits. However, you also need to remember that the number of followers must be proportional to their interactions.

The methods above can be put into practice immediately so that you can increase the number of Instagram followers while maintaining the quality of the content. Good luck!

Do you have any other tips? Come on, don’t hesitate to share!


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