What are Long Tail Keywords? Here are the Benefits and how to find them!


He said, keyword research is one of the best ways to rank high on Google.

You also start targeting several keywords and create content that is suitable for each of these keywords.

But, unfortunately none of your content has made it to the first page of Google search results. I wonder why?

What are Long Tail Keywords Here are the Benefits and how to find them!

Oh! Apparently, there is one problem: you choose keywords that too many people use , aka the competition is too tight.

The problem is that many well-known websites target the same keywords. As a result, your chances for your content to rank up are smaller.

So… What should you do? Does this mean you should give up and forget about keyword research?

Of course not! You can still try other strategies to get traffic through keywords. One of them is by utilizing long tail keywords .

By targeting it, you can get traffic more easily. How come?

Well, here we will thoroughly peel everything about long tail keywords. After reading this article, you will have additional strategies to help your content rank high on Google.

Let’s get started!

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are types of keywords that contain more than three words. In contrast to short tail keywords whose contents are shorter – less than three words.

In order to better understand the difference, let’s compare them. Here are examples of short-tail keywords:

examples of short-tail keywords

While this is an example of long tail keywords:

example of long tail keywords

Yes, by now you must have understood the difference between long tail and short tail keywords, right?

In the example above, short tail is a type of keyword that has fewer words than long tail keywords.

But, that’s not all. You also need to pay attention to the number of search results. Because, the number of long tail searches is far less than short tail keywords.

That is, by targeting the long tail, you have chosen to avoid competition. So the chances of your content winning are even greater!

That’s why you should use long tail keywords. But what are the other benefits actually? Let’s check in the next section!

Read Also:

What are the Benefits of Long Tail Keywords?

Do you know? According to Moz research, 70% of searches on Google are done with long tail keywords.

What are the Benefits of Long Tail Keywords

This is natural. Because without realizing it, we also often use it when searching on Google.

For example, suppose you are hungry and want to find a fried rice restaurant. You can just open Google and type “where is the nearest fried rice restaurant”.

Another example, there must be a potential buyer out there who typed “when will xiaomi release the newest cell phone” in the search field.

And many more examples..

So, from the two examples above, do you find any similarities? Yes, that’s right. Both of them show the intention to buy ( buying intent ) .

So, by targeting them, your content will appear in front of people who already have the intention to buy.

The good news is that your content will also get traffic more easily. Because more content targets short tails.

Okay, now you know that long tail keywords offer a variety of benefits. However, how to find it? Let’s see how.

3+ Best Ways to Find Long Tail Keywords

Here are the 3+ easiest and free ways to get the right long tail keywords:

1. Using Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a very popular free SEO tool. You can also use it to find long tail keywords.

For example, suppose you run an online cellphone shop and you want to know how potential cellphone buyers do a Google search.

You can try typing “buy a mobile phone” in Ubersuggest, and here are the results:


As you can see, in the table there are two long keywords found, namely ” buy cellphones abroad ” and ” buy cellphones“.

Even though the number of search volumes is smaller, the scores for these keywords in the SD column are also less than the other keywords.

In other words, the level of competition for these keywords is less.

2. View Related Searches

This method is very simple. You only need to see the “related searches” segment on the Google search page.

For example, here are related search results for the keyword “buy a cell phone”:

Based on the results, there are quite a lot of long tail keywords that you can find, such as “ selling cheap used cellphones online ”, “ cheap cellphones under 1 million ”, or “ cheap quality android cellphone prices ”.

Well, these keywords can appear as related search recommendations because there are lots of people looking for them .

Therefore, all you have to do is choose the keywords that will be targeted for your next content.

3. Utilize Google’s Autocomplete Feature

You can also take advantage of Google’s autocomplete feature. Examples like this:

Again the results show the keyword “buy a cell phone abroad”. Other identified keywords are ” buy mobile phones on amazon ” and ” buy trusted mobile phones online “.

Oh yes, the results displayed in Google’s autocomplete feature can change at any time. So, make sure you check it regularly!

4. Using the Wordstream Free Keyword Tool

Another tool you can rely on is the Wordstream free keyword tool . Want to know the reason? Let’s see an example!

Based on the results, the number of keywords displayed is not small. In addition, you can also find out the search volume and level of competition for each keyword.

For example, you can see that the keyword ” buy a reliable second hand cell phone ” is easy to master because the level of competition is low.

Let’s Use Long Tail Keywords for Your Content!

So, now you are ready to find and target long tail keywords for your content . So, the opportunity for your content to gain traffic can be even higher.

But remember, make sure the keywords you are targeting have volumes that are not too low (as much as possible not below 100) and have a low level of competition.

Using long tail keywords is one of the SEO strategies. If you are interested in learning other strategies, you can visit our article which discusses the 15+ most powerful SEO techniques to control your website rankings .


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